
Autumn #6: In a Pickle / 秋#6:一夜漬け

In a perfect world, I would never have any responsibilities beyond cooking (and eating).

Reality is a bit different. 理想と現実の差はね。。。

Sometimes I may be reduced to reheating frozen leftovers, but at least I also keep stashes of...

Anyone who has lived with me knows I keep mystery jars of my culinary experiments in the fridge. 台所実験を発見!
Tonight seemed an auspicious time to break out my onion pickles, which I made a week ago. As you'll notice in the above photos, I added a little kick to the basic pickle juice formula of water, vinegar, salt, sugar with star anise, peppercorns, darjeeling tea, garlic, and ginger.
今晩の食卓に手作りタマネギ漬け物を!上の写真で見えるように、シンプルな水、酢、砂糖、塩という漬け物 汁にスターアニス、コショウの実、ダージリン紅茶、ニンニク、ショウガで贅沢をした。

Lately I've really fallen for this little spice in particular:
In chicken soup, pickles, jams, or curries, a hint of star anise makes the flavors both more cozy and intimate, and yet also more exotic. So speaking of curries...

The main dish tonight was reheated curry rice (with my tea pickles in a dazzling cameo). I got the basic recipe for Japanese curry rice from scratch here. The key really was carmelizing six onions for ninety minutes. It was also the reason why I froze a few portions of the curry for later, since it keeps well and I certainly could use some easy curry when I'm feeling short on time. I highly recommend adding a little bacon with the beef, and kabocha with the vegetables.
今晩のメインは前からの手作りカレーライス。レシピは ここで見つかった。ポイントは90分にちかくタマネギをいためること。そのためにもたくさんのカレーを冷凍した。冷凍されてもカレーはおいしく保存できるので時間に迫っている時にまた暖めるだけでいい。私のおすすめはお肉と同時にベーコンを入れると野菜と同時にカボチャも。

Here is the meal, in all it's rushed-preparation glory:
How could I resist a little sesame on the rice and an egg on the curry? Sometimes this modern life gets messy, and we feel like we don't have enough time to pamper ourselves. If you can plan ahead for those moments just a little bit though, you'll be able to find yourself in a pickle and yet also happy to to just...
   Dig in. がつがつ食えばいい。

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