
Autumn #1: Potato and Kabocha Pancakes / 秋#1:サツマイモとカボチャホットケーキ

I just moved to Tokyo from New York City. Japanese food is delicious, but I feel a little clumsy in my own kitchen. My mission is to buy local and seasonal, and cook it up my own freestyle way: a little Western, a little Asian, all Cheru style.


First things first. I needed a farmers' market.


I tried this one in Shibuya.

The bounty of fall! それで、これを買った:

I was seduced by the colors of the mini kabocha (Japanese pumpkin), purple sweet potato, red okra.

Which led to this evening's menu:
Spiced sweet potato and pumpkin latkes
Okra and avocado salsa


*Cultural Note: いもに作られたホットケーキはユダヤ伝統的な料理で、「latke」というものだ。ユダヤ人じゃない私にも愛されている。

For the latkes, I coarsely grated the red sweet potato and kabocha, to which I added coarsely grated onion, finely grated ginger and garlic. Also some pinches of cumin and salt. ホットケーキにはサツマイモとカボチャ下ろしにタマネギ、ショウガ、ニンニク下ろし。少しだけ塩とクミンも入れた。この感じで:

 Lastly, I added two eggs to the mix, and fried them up in vegetable oil. 最後に卵2コと混ぜて、普通のホットケーキと同じように油とフライパンで揚げた。

For the salsa, I used raw okra, thinly sliced. サルサには生オクラ:

Okra are what the Japanese call neba neba: slimy, but in a really delicious way. To match this glorious sliminess, I added diced avocado and fresh lemon juice. Also, on a whim, some black sesame salt. オクラのねばねばを生かすためにアボカドとレモン汁と混ぜた。適当にごま塩も。。

And so...それで...

How about an action shot? クローズアップで。。。

With a little salad it went down real easy. いつものサラダと食べて。。。あっ。満足。ごちそうさまでした!

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