
Autumn #2: Bacon-Embraced Figs / 秋#2:ベーコンに抱きしめられたイチジク

Figs are in season. イチジクの季節ですね。

All fruits are sensual, but the fig in particular exudes a kind of eroticism. 果物は基本的にエロチックだと思うけど、イチジクが特に色っぽいと思わない?

Maybe it's because the fig is actually the flower of the plant, the blossoms of which form inside the plump little beasties. Quite literally, the Chinese characters used to designate the fig translate as "no flower fruit" (無花果). イチジクは同時に花と果物で、多分それはイシジクの好色力の原因かもしれません。イチジクの漢字(無花果)だけでわかるけど、実はフルーツの中に花が隠しているだけ。

What a little flirt! 色っぽいって言ったんじゃないですか!

Tonight I decided to wrap these babies in the savory embrace of bacon, but not before stuffing them with honey, miso, crushed walnuts, and (why not?) freshly ground pepper.

The little bundles of joy looked like this when they went into the toaster oven:

And ten or so minutes later:

Quite a lusty affair. 恋愛沙汰.

To flesh out the meal, as it were, I took my leftover latke batter (from yesterday's dinner) and leftover rice:

...and made fried rice. それでチャーハンを。。。

It was a little dry, but it balanced out the extreme juiciness of the sticky figs.

...Satisfaction. ごちそうさまでした!

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